BioBeo at the 35th NIBI congress

BioBeo visited the 35th NIBI Congress on 10 and 11 November: This is an annual 2-days conference with over 700 teachers in biology. The theme was ‘ Resistance’: seen from various viewpoints. Resistance in the classroom, against illness, against climatechange, the pathway of immunisation etc

There was a opening lecture form Marjon Koopmans, a well-known virologist in the Netherlands (from COVID19 and all communication and regulations on the pandemic), followed by five rounds of lectures, workshops and excursions on this theme. Our fellow member Janneke was allowed to promote BioBeo at the Festival. During the days she attended an interactive lecture on Parkinson’s and research to new ways to cure the illness with immunotherapy as well as an interactive lecture by a tropical doctor working at Rotterdam academic Erasmus medical center. He spoke about rabies, the deadliest illness and snakebites poison and vermin.

At the event also was a very interesting workshop on climate change. (En-roads  En-ROADS ( a simulator/ dashboard based on the UN dashboard for researchers.  It is free and available and you can change things and see the impact of stopping deforestation, no fossile fuels, the influence of world population on the temperature. 

In addition, there was also an excursion to the beach where attendees collected shells and tried to find out their origins and age. 

You can read all about the event here (Dutch).